My most cherished memory at Texas State

What memory from my days at Texas State will I cherish for the rest of my life?”
Texas State is the third college that I've attended. I graduated in 2013 and went straight to Texas A & M.
Originally, I wanted to be a pediatrician because I was born premature and had a fabulous doctor. He made a lasting impression on my life along with so many others. I always thought that if he could help me, how much could I help another child?
After almost 3 years, I had been accepted into the Biomedical Science program at TAMU. I was babysitting for a family friend who was also a Pediatric Emergency Physician at the closest hospital. After being invited to shadow him on third shift for a week, I decided that my heart was a little larger and that I could not save every child. In this moment, I had to reevaluate my career path.
I had taken summer classes back home at Clemson University. At this point, I was already 2.5 years invested with the program and a lot of money short.  With this decision, I was very discouraged and left wondering, “what am I going to do now?”
I had already applied and been accepted to Texas State in the fall of 2016. I took the summer off and decided I would move home to San Antonio to save money and figure my life out over the summer!
The following summer I completed 18 hours in 10 weeks as well as passing the PUG test the same day. Coming to Texas State was probably one of the best decisions I ever made. I was able to explore so many options for degrees and feel right at home. I have finally reached a major and a career path thanks to Texas State. There have been many sleepless nights and countless hours spent in Alkek.  I have made so many great friends and lifelong memories that I will cherish forever.

So, to answer the question, my most memorable moment at Texas State would be deciding to go to school here and all the memories that have come with that decision.


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