My Favorite Summer Memory

Summer is definitely one of my favorite seasons. The hot summer sun, the cool water that we jump in and splash everyone with, the endless amounts of watermelon and popsicles is what I live for. Although, this summer was a little different for me. For the months of June and July I had to take summer classes. I’ve done this now for the past two years and I’ve felt like I’ve had my summer completely taken away from me. I’ve been dreaming of feeling the sand between my toes and the salt air hitting my face, but this summer it’s just not going to happen. I’ve learned that going to school and essentially growing up is more important than going to the lake with your friends. As hard as it might be, doing what’s right is always the better option.
            Just as I thought my summer would truly consist of just school, work, eat, sleep repeat, I received a very happy text message. My boyfriend’s mom asked what I was doing for the first weekend of July. She proceeded to tell me that they were taking me and Justin’s little brothers girlfriend as well, on vacation to the Kemah boardwalk. I was so excited! I was going on vacation this summer with people I really love and couldn’t wait to get there. The weeks leading up to the trip were almost agonizing. All I wanted to do was be there, having fun and making memories. Not doing homework and studying for exams.
            The weekend had finally arrived, and it was after the first summer session was over. It was perfect timing to be able to unwind and enjoy a vacation right before summer school started up again. We arrived in League City around 2:00 p.m. and we went straight to the pool. We stayed at this beautiful resort called South Shore Harbor. When my feet touched the water, it was almost instantly I felt the urge to jump right in. We were ordering drinks, laughing, swimming and dancing like there was no tomorrow. Later that night we headed to Kemah boardwalk and watched the fire work show. It was perfect day and night. The following day we rode “The Beast,” which is this giant boat that takes you out into the bay and drives you around at high speeds and making fun turns that splashes you with water. We spent the rest of the day lounging by the pool and then had dinner on the boardwalk. There wasn’t a single moment during that vacation that wasn’t fun. I was just so happy to be there.

            The thing that made this trip so special was being able to spend it with my boyfriend and his family. I have strong values in family and I love being able to spend time with the people I love. I’m always one for adventure and this was the greatest adventure I’ve had in a long time. I’m so grateful that Justin’s parents are both so loving and supportive. I know it can be challenging sometimes to like your partners parents, but I’m blessed that they make it so easy to be with them. This trip may have been short and sweet, but it was truly the perfect summer get away.


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